Home E European Solidarity Corps E Our first volunteers

Our first volunteers

Our first volunteers returned home not only with a Youth Pass certificate but also with more knowledge and experience. They were sent by Felis to volunteer for 4 months at Flexfleks, an organization in the eastside of the Netherlands. We are still sending volunteers every 4 months to The Netherlands. For more information write to info@stgfelis.com.

What does volunteering bring you?

A European Voluntary Project not only gives you the opportunity to do something good for others but also gives you the chance to learn new things, expand your own skills, and have fantastic adventures.


Wil je vrijwilligerswerk doen?

Lees dan meer over het European Solidarity Corps


Opgenomen met de kinderen van Stichting F.E.L.I.S. Curacao en opgedragen aan ons project door Hip Hop artiest en songwriter Brainpower.

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