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Equine assisted therapy

Stichting (foundation) EQUINE

Equine means in relation to or in connection with horses

What is the purpose of our Foundation?

Supporting children, young people and adults with a variety of problems including attachment problems, trauma, anxiety, so that they can once again have a view on the future and can take the reins into their own hands.

Equine Therapy?

Is a body-oriented therapy that also directly affects the substances in the brain. Wearing the horse and the rhythmic movement ensure that the substances oxitocine (an attachment hormone) and serotonin / dopamine (happiness hormones) are released. It is a therapy tailored to the client. Tailor-made therapy. Not only the contact between a person and horse is important. Also through the mutual interactions between the horses themselves, one learns about different social themes. The equine therapist helps to translate the experiences into daily life during therapy.

This therapy is therefore extremely suitable for different ages.

For whom?

  1. Young people with social / emotional problems.
  2. Teenage mothers and children of teenage mothers
  3. Children / adolescents who have been traumatized by sexual abuse or abuse.
  4. Adult with depression, trauma or attachment problems who experience problems in the upbringing of their children

Young people and adults often have in common that they are not securely attached.

Many young people live in care institutions in Curaçao. These vulnerable young people hardly see their parents and are often alone. Due to serious shortages in health care, few resources are available for these children. The Equine Foundation offers these children free of charge or for a small contribution equine therapy. This encourages their development in an inviting way, playfully with horses, outdoors and without extra medication.

Sponsored by Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben


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